

*peer reviewed


Becks, C. & Becks, S. (2025). Constructions of the Grammar of Schooling. A systematic literature review. xxx.

Becks, C., Farwick, S., van Ackeren-Mindl, I. (2024). Expert Policy Advice in Germany. The Standing Scientific Commission on Education Policy. In: C. Skerritt (Ed.). Policy Advice and Policy Making in Education: Perspectives on Past and Present Procedures. Bloomsbury. Accepted contribution.

Becks, C., Proskawetz, F. S., Schabinger, A. & Sorg, C. (2024). Erfahrungs- und Austauschräume für Schulleitungen gestalten: Erkenntnisse für Schulentwicklung in sozialräumlich herausfordernden Lagen in der Metropolregion Ruhrgebiet. [Creating spaces for collaboration, experience and exchange: Insights for school development in schools serving disadvantaged communities in the Ruhr metropolitan region.] Accepted contribution.

Proskawetz, F. S., Farwick, S. & Becks, C. (2024). Zusammenarbeit von Praxis und Forschung: Welche Erwartungen haben Schulen an sozialräumlich benachteiligten Standorten in der Metropolregion Ruhr an bildungswissenschaftliche Kooperationen? [Research-pratice cooperations: What expectations do schools serving disadvantaged communities in the Ruhr metropolitan region have of educational science cooperation?] Accepted contribution.

Czaja, S., Proskawetz, F. S., Becks, C., Klein, D. & I. van Ackeren-Mindl. (2024). Train the Leader: Schulentwicklung an sozialräumlich benachteiligten Standorten durch designbasierte Qualifizierung von schulischen Führungskräften befördern. Erste Ergebnisse der SchuMaS Werkstatt “Schulentwicklung im Kontext”. [Train the Leader: School development in schools serving disadvantaged communities with designbased qualification of school leaders. First results of the SchuMaS Workshop “School development in context”.] Accepted contribution.

*Becks, C. (2023). Schooling as community service. Schule und Sozialraum in der U.S.-amerikanischen Tradition. [Schooling and its socio-geographical context in the U.S. tradition] In M. Forell, G. Bellenberg, L. Gerhards & L. Schleenbecker (Hrsg.) Schule als Sozialraum im Sozialraum. Theoretische und empirische Erkundung sozialräumlicher Dimensionen von Schule. Waxmann. DOI: 10.31244/9783830997122

Becks, C., Göttlicher, W., Erhardt, S. (2023). Schule in den ersten drei Dekaden nach dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs. Bilanzen und Perspektiven. [Schooling in the first three decades after the Fall of the Iron Curtain. Conclusions and perspectives] In W. Göttlicher & T. Janik (Ed.), Politische Zäsur und Wandel des Bildungssystems. [Political turning point and change in education systems] pp. 251-268. Lit Verlag.

Klein, E. D. & Becks, C. (2022). Mit Visionen und Zielen den richtigen Weg finden. Ergänzendes Arbeitsmaterial. [Visions and goals for school development. Supplemental working material] In: Schule macht stark – Inhaltscluster Schulentwicklung & Führung (Hrsg.): Kursmaterialien Virtueller SchuMaS-Raum „Schulentwicklung im Kontext“. Essen: Universität Duisburg-Essen.

*Becks, C. (2022). J. F. Herbart on the Art of Teaching: Bildsamkeit and Pedagogical Tact. Curriculum History, 2.

Wala, T. & Salmen, C. (2022). Entrepreneurship Education and Innovation Transfer Through Student Practice Projects. In Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development-Challenges for Higher Education: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021), Volume 2, 858-868). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Salmen, C. (2021). Erzählungen vom Umbruch in Rumänien 1989. [Narrative constructions of Romania’s Revolution in 1989.] In H. Schluß, H. Holzapfel, C. Andersen & Heinz Ganser (Eds.), The Fall of the Iron Curtain 1989 and its consequences. Europäische Perspektiven. Lit Verlag.

Salmen, C. (2020). Do No Harm: A commentary on the outrage over a teacher evaluation app. Voices, 274, 14-16.

Salmen, C. (2020). With Humility and Courage: Educational Scholarship as Intellectual Endeavor. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 10(1), 97-99.

Salmen, C. (2019). The Problem with Evidence: Public Schooling is about a Place, its History, and the Lifeworlds of those involved. Journal of Academic Perspectives, 3.

Salmen, C. & Becks, S. (2018). Happily Standardized Every After? Pedagogical Alternatives to Standardizing Exams. Independence 74, 19-23. Vienna: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.

Schluß, H., Willems, F., Salmen, C. (2018). Measuring Religious Competence. In Schweitzer, F., Borschki, R. (Eds.) Researching Religious Education: Classroom Processes and Outcomes. Münster: Waxmann.

Schluß, H. & Salmen, C. (2016). Teaching and Learning about Religion between Religious Plurality and Secularism. In: Aslan, E. Ebrahim, R. Hermansen, M. (Ed.): Islam, Religions, and Pluralism in Europe. Springer VS. 115-126.

Schluß, H. & Salmen, C. (2015). Religious Matters as a Mere Possibility for Educational Research. International Journal for the Historiography of Education, 5(2), 223 - 226.

Winter, R., Margolis-Balk, S., Weeks, G. (2007). Vienna’s Conscience. Close-ups and conversations after Hitler. Reedy Press. (Translator)